Saturday, October 23, 2010

Help for a GERMAPHOBE (food poisioning or family virus)!?

Okay I'm a little germaphobic and I just came back from a sleepover with two other girls and one went home because she got sick. Does this sound like food poisong or a virus?
Here are the details:
her dad was sick monday
Her brother was sick yesterday
her mom was sick today
and now she's sick
she has two other sisters who have yet to be sick
now here's why my dad thinks it was food poisonig:
she seemed perfetly normal untill after we ate a snack then she looked sick and vomited with in half an hour. if it was a virus wouldn't of she felt sick? she only threw up once before she went home
I don't know of anyone outside of her family that caught it
please what do you think? I am scared to death I'm gonna catch it.Help for a GERMAPHOBE (food poisioning or family virus)!?
wow im a germaphobe too. she probably has a virus bc if its food poisoning... why does her family have it if she had the snack at the sleepover that doesn't make sense. its probably a virus too because it was passed around her family and it probably was hitting her while she was eating and then the food in her stomach just came back up. don't worry because you probably won't catch it. i've been around liek so many sicknesses if you jsut stay healthy your probably just going to be immune to it if your body is strong enough to fight it. and unless you guys like made out i wouldn't worry. just wash those hands, drink a lot of water, take your vitamins, and exercise. you'll be fine. its not food poisoning. its probably just a stomach virus. =)
if it was food poisoning it would be something they all ate at the same guess is virus...get some anti-bacterial and get going

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