Saturday, October 23, 2010

Help me sucks?

i dont know what is going on with me, of late for the past two weeks i have been feeling lowsy i feel bad and sad all the time.i have been having a fast heart beat all the time and im bored with everything, i dont feel like going to school,watching tv,calling my family, just everything,i feel like a loser. anybody who can help me out i feel like giving up,
there is another thing do things ever get any better in this life or in the next life coz this problem has been on and off in me for as long as i can remember..
please help me out....dont call me names please.Help me sucks?
it sounds to me like you are in a major depression....this is a medical condition which is easily treatable with drugs...also, you ay want to force yourself to get active. its been proven that physical activity releases endorphins from the brain. those endorphins help fight depression as well. please talk to your family doctoror school counselor or someone and get help. you do not have to feel the way and there are people who eill help you,
hm depression maybe?the best medicine for all prob. is JESUS...hey pray a little it might help u.
You could suffering from Depression, anxiety neurosis, panic attacks or something similar. Pll. see a doctor and get a right diagnosis, based on your symptoms and blood tests for serotonin, dopamine etc. in brain. Treatment options are many including allopathy, ayurveda and homeopathy .....
life does suck but you can always find ways to make yourself feel better or go to an doctor and see what they have to say please don't give up on yourself there is always hope things will get better one of my favorite sayings is every passing minute is an chance to turn it all around got it from vanilla sky by tom cruise

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