Saturday, October 23, 2010

Help please!?

My friends mom is sick...
symptoms: reealllyy tired, slow reflexes, and its hard to balance. The doctors don't even know whats wrong. Any ideas? Thanks so much :DHelp please!?
Definately take her to another doctor!
Symptoms like that sound as if she should be in an emergency room. Don't hesitate any longer as it may have just been a stroke or embolysm or something. Sometimes those things are hard to detect..
Good luck and I will keep her in my prayers!
could be anything. Maybe try a second opinion.
Could be verdigo, fibromyalgia, stroke, sleep apnia....They need to run tests and take bloodwork.
If the doctors don't know, how should we?
Hey, I understand that in times of worry we tend to grasp at straws, but only profesionally licensed physicians can truly help in this. Best wishes.
Fever? It sounds like it could be a stroke, embellism, anneurism...or an overdose of some guys need to get her to a different doc it sounds like.....
Hypothyroidism, stroke, brain tumor, multiple sclerosis, exhaustion...or a number of other possibilities. She needs more tests from a doctor. If her doctor can't give her some sort of explanation or speculation, she needs to try another doctor.
It sounds to me like she may have some type of a demylanation disease ( some type of a neurological disorder) - she should really get an MRI to rule out this possibility. See if her doctor can refer her to a neurologist.
she needs to stay in the hospital so they can run test to find out whats wrong with her

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