Tuesday, October 26, 2010

How are some ways to get the flu or a cold?

How are some ways to get the flu or a cold?
suck face with someone that has the flu or a cold
The #1 thing is not washing your hands often enough. It is spread from person to person, not stuff like going out in the cold with wet hair.
One of the things you must remember is to wash your hands often, especially if you have been in the public.
If a person doesn't cover their mouth & nose when they coughs germs can float out around you as well as on you, for you to inhale.
If you have a weak immune system or if you have an autoimmune illiness it is very easy to get seriously sick.
Stay away from people that are ill with this problem!
If you are TRYING to get sick, spend the time around a highly populated, rarely cleaned area. The tube, a mall. Schools and work places are often good places to pick up germs because people are so comfortable they forget to wash up.

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