Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Hic ups...?

does any one know why we have hic-ups?Hic ups...?
diaphram spasms.
I don't know WHY, but I do know that hiccups are simply a spasm of the diaphragmn. Drinking water upside down ALWAYS works for me...seriously, it never fails.
Its your diaphragm going into spasms which causes the hiccups
its a spasm of the diaphragm that happens on its own its cos of a sudden rush of air into the lungs which causes the glottis at the top of your windpipe to close, creating the noise.
its because of the gush of air which should have gone to the respiratory tract went to ailmentary track...i.e. it happens due to air we breathe going into the wrong compartment of the body
No i dont.... but they're funny little things aren't they? They make me laugh! whether its me thats got them or someone else!
When you eat way too fast.
it's an irritation of the diaphragm that causes spasm. as diaphragm contracts involutarily becoz nerves that control it hav become irritated by something (mayb what u ate or drank too fast) when breathing and eating at same time u invite irritation.
also as air is inahled the space between vocal cords at the back of the throat(glottis) snaps. this snapping is what we hear as the hiccup.
taking in gulps of air escepially if you eat or drink too fast
Think it is irritation of the phrenic nerve that causes it.

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