i have dance team yearbook pictures tomorrow and i got a huge pimple in between my eyes and i like neverrr break out! what can i put on it tonight to make it better??!!
please help! does toothpaste work??
il give best answer i promise!!HELP HELP HELP pleaseee!!? =]?
1) Don't stress!-- stress makes you get pimples!
2) Wash your face right now, with your reg. wash
3) Take a cotton ball, soak it in salt water(water+ a lil salt) and gently rub it over the pimple (this will get out the grossness causing the pimple)
4) Put a drying cream on overnight (like benzyl perozide)
5) Wash your face again in the morn.
6) Put on a base coverup over that pimple
7) Put on a overall concealer to even your skin out
8) Highlight your lips to take away from you pimple
Good luck!
The best thing you can do for it this late in the game is get some Visine eye drops and dab some onto it before you put your makeup on. Like the comercial says "it really gets the red out".
It will not make it go away, but it will take the red/pink color out of it.
Good luck tomorrow and smile pretty!!!
tooth paste does work! on me but everyone has different skin types. so you don't have to give a best answer but wash your face and put toothpaste on good luck and conceal it in the morning. hope you use Mac cosmetics!
toothpaste does work, I have bad skin and I tryed toothpaste it does work are put ice one it just before you have your picture taking.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
HELP HELP HELP pleaseee!!? =]?
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