Saturday, October 23, 2010


yesterday I felt nause (spell) all day. Then I started throwing up. Now today wenever I eat I vomit. I can't stop it and my mom says stop vomiting and I should not tell my docter since it's commen.
HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!please?
You should go to your doctor. Your mom is right in the fact that throwing up is common, but its not common to be throwing up everything that you eat and can't hold anything down. If you keep throwing up, you will grow weak because your body can't hold any food without you rushing off to the bathroom all the time. I think that you might have food poisoning or you might have gastro. But you should definitely go to your doctor, because nobody keeps throwing up everything that they eat, unless it is intentional, and I don't think that your vomiting is intentional. At least your doctor can tell you what it is and give you medicine to make you feel better, which will be a bit of a relief for you. Hope you feel better...
It could be the 24hr. flu, be careful though cause u could become dehydrated. If after 24hrs. and it continues then i would call the doctor.
Are you running a fever? Are you vomiting blood? Are you getting dehydrated? If it goes on for more than 2 or 3 days I encourage you to see a doctor because persistent vomiting leads to dehydration which has far more serious implications. Also, if you have other symptons such as severe headache, vision problems etc. You should consider immediate visit to the doctor or hospital emergency room if doctor is not available in person or by phone.

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