Saturday, October 23, 2010

Help! I had to walk today, a lot, and now have 5 blisters filled with lymph on my soles!?

Right on my soles, under the toe, and on the sole of the heels! What to do?Help! I had to walk today, a lot, and now have 5 blisters filled with lymph on my soles!?
Leave them alone if you have a few days that you won't be walking as much. If you're going to have to be on them a lot again, though then follow these steps.
1. Clean the blisters and a small sewing needle with rubbing alchohol.
2. Carefully puncture each blister with the needle, wiping away the fluid with tissues.
3. Place band-aids over the empty blisters to protect them.
DON'T pop the blisters if you don't have to! Blisters form to protect damaged layers of skin and you don't want to take away that protection. If you absolutely have to remove the blisters, cover the stops with band-aids or gauze so you don't damage the skin further.
It is cancer...go to the!
r u jemmas muM???????
Rest and ice.
Don't mess with them and they should dry out as the fluid is reabsorbed. If any open gently clean them and let them dry out.
don't worry they are just blisters you can poke them very carefully with a needle to let the water out of them the water will be clear
they will dry out and disapear
your shoes don't fit right. go to a quality shoe store and get fitted for new shoes!

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