Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Has anyone used the drug Topamax?

I frequently get migraines in the summer because of the heat and sunlight. I decided to take Topamax as preventative therapy. Has anyone used this drug? What side effects did you experience? I know I can look up side effects but I wanted a real persons perspective on what they felt. Was it worth taking the medication?Has anyone used the drug Topamax?
I have had migraines for many years and have tried Topamax. It seemed to be effective but the side effects of tingling fingers and the feeling of them pulsating was too distracting. I returned to the medicine I have used for the prior 10 years.
I have and I still do. This is a good drug to control mood disorder. It helps me control my anger. I can tell the difference now when I am late taking my medication, so I always try to take it on time. I can see an overall difference in how I think and how I feel. I have more patience and can concentrate a lot better. My family saw a noticeable difference in that I wasn't as talkative as usual, but what helped me the most was that I could focus more on task at hand, have patience dealing with people who are very demanding, and I didn't fly off the handle when under a lot of stress.
The only side effect I have noticed is that it does curb my appetite a little. I have heard that it helps some people lose weight.
I used to take it. I thought it was a good pill. Nothing bad for me.
You sound stressed too- get some excersies. Like a nice walk ALONE>

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