Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Have purpley?grey blotches on the whites of my eyes what does it mean, dont feel ill and my eyesight is fine.?

Have purpley?grey blotches on the whites of my eyes what does it mean, dont feel ill and my eyesight is fine.?
i wouldn't worry about it then. get a good nights sleep x
go and see your optician,it could be something serious,just to be on the safe side.
Conditions affecting the fronts of the eyes (the white areas) are generally not as serious as on the inside, as the structures associated with light perception and vision are inside. If you experience flashing lights, dark blobs, visual disturbances, missing vision, go to eye casualty ASAP
Have you recently noticed your eyes being bloodshot (or any red patches) recently? It sounds a little like an old subconjunctival haematoma, which is nothing but a bruise/burst blood vessel on the front of your eye, but it can be brought on by things such as coughing, vomiting, heavy lifting, rubbing too hard/blunt trauma, and high blood pressure, so I'd recommend going to your GP to get it checked out.
However, as I can't see your eyes, I can't really give a valid opinion, so the GP is probably the best place to go!
Good luck x

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